Personal Training

The process starts by gently examining aspects of your life-style, work and family demands, eating habits and activity levels. Pragmatism, science and objectivity are then used to provide recommendations. These are normally tiny yet highly significant adjustments which are easily adopted into daily life. Often, clients find they will eat more and enjoy food more.

Once behaviours, health-considerations and life-style requirements are understood, physical analysis commences through a series of simple and unassuming exercises. All YAW Training clients can be confident that through this holistic approach they will develop solid foundations for every personal goal.

Many people in life strive for confidence, energy and a sense of well-being. All YAW clients will make gains in these areas.  Specific objectives such as run a 5k for the first time, shave 4 inches off the waist or gain an 10% increase in cycling cruise speed are just some examples and are all absolutely achievable with a YAW partnership.

A personalised activity programme is then prepared and based entirely on two things – your assessed needs and your availability. The programme will contain phases and measurable goals to keep motivation up and the results coming!

Corrective Exercise will be considered for all Personal Training Programmes.